El FBI publica un flyer afirmando que quienes defienden la privacidad de la red son sospechosos de terrorismo [en]

[Traducción «libre»] Un flyer diseñado por el FBI y el Departamento de Justicia [estadounidense] para promover denuncias de actividad sospechosa en cibercafés, cita algunas herramientas básicas para la privacidad online como signos de actividad terrorista. El documento, parte de un programa llamado «Comunidades Contra el Terrorismo», incluye el uso de «anonimizadores, portales y otras herramientras para ocultar direcciones IP», como signo de que una persona podría estar implicada o apoyando actividades terroristas.

Fuente   1 :  Meneame


Noticia en Inglés :

Do You Like Online Privacy? You May Be a Terrorist

Public Intelligence

A flyer designed by the FBI and the Department of Justice to promote suspicious activity reporting in internet cafes lists basic tools used for online privacy as potential signs of terrorist activity.  The document, part of a program called “Communities Against Terrorism”, lists the use of “anonymizers, portals, or other means to shield IP address” as a sign that a person could be engaged in or supporting terrorist activity.  The use of encryption is also listed as a suspicious activity along with steganography, the practice of using “software to hide encrypted data in digital photos” or other media.  In fact, the flyer recommends that anyone “overly concerned about privacy” or attempting to “shield the screen from view of others” should be considered suspicious and potentially engaged in terrorist activities.

Logging into an account associated with a residential internet service provider (such as Comcast or AOL), an activity that could simply indicate that you are on a trip, is also considered a suspicious activity.  Viewing any content related to “military tactics” including manuals or “revolutionary literature” is also considered a potential indicator of terrorist activity.  This would mean that viewing a number of websites, including the one you are on right now, could be construed by a hapless employee as an highly suspicious activity potentially linking you to terrorism.

The “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities” contained in the flyer are not to be construed alone as a sign of terrorist activity and the document notes that “just because someone’s speech, actions, beliefs, appearance, or way of life is different; it does not mean that he or she is suspicious.”  However, many of the activities described in the document are basic practices of any individual concerned with security or privacy online.  The use of PGP, VPNs, Tor or any of the many other technologies for anonymity and privacy online are directly targeted by the flyer, which is distributed to businesses in an effort to promote the reporting of these activities.


Fuente  2 :    Publicintelligence




Jay Rockefeller – El Internet no debió de haberse inventado nunca

El Pentágono recibe luz verde para la guerra en Internet

El Departamento de Justicia de EEUU quiere Tipificar como delito la Subida de videos en You Tube

El gobierno de EEUU buscará a terroristas que crean en el Nuevo Orden Mundial


Publicado el febrero 3, 2012 en Análisis, Consciencia, Control, Fascismo, Infoguerra, Noticias, Nuevo Orden Mundial, Terrorismo, WAKE UP y etiquetado en , , . Guarda el enlace permanente. 1 comentario.

  1. Ladrones..
    Quien son los Americanos ….? quien les permite dirigir el mundo, elegir que guerras tienen que llevarse a cabo..y cual tienen que acabar?Solo se meten a ayudar si el dicho pais tiene petrolio..Verguenza…uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!

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